Low back pain is a highly prevalent disease, accompanied by stiffness of the movements, back pain, partial loss of mobility in the foot and other problems. Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine has different symptoms and treatment. Often the development of the malocclusions they suddenly discover. Usually, the patient feels bad in strong slope, weight-lifting and some awkward movement.

In spite of the pain, turns to a specialist for advice only half of the patients. And only the unit start the treatment. To preserve health, it is necessary to disassemble the entire essence of the disease and its dangers.
For the malocclusion, that it is dangerous?
Few know what is the back pain the lumbar spine. And even more do not know what to do with osteochondrosis of the lumbar, thoracic or cervical spine. As A result of a disease in a goat, due to the treatment and the care of the self does not occur. This often ends up shot, partial or total paralysis of the lower limbs. You should carefully review the question presented.
Osteochondrosis intervertebral lumbar localized, as the name suggests, in the lumbar region of the spine. The disease seems to be in the form of partial destruction of the intervertebral cartilage. In this phase of malocclusion sick and does not know. But already more than a remarkable scraping discs and their degeneration can cause paper jams nerve branches. Neural derivation is derived from the spinal cord, which are connected with the rest of the nerve endings of the limbs. Neural processes are carried out between the vertebrae, then curettage of the intervertebral discs leads to their pinch. To determine the location of crushing can be symptoms: rigidity of certain movements, loss of sensitivity and the same activity in the limbs (and sometimes complete paralysis).
The study of the question, what is the backache of the lumbar spine, it is important to determine the complications and dangers. Due to the lack of timely treatment occurs a turning ring fibrous, but is full of selection, the pulposus of the nucleus and the formation of a hernia.
To avoid these dangerous to the normal life of the consequences, you need the time to start the treatment of the lumbar spine.
The symptoms
In order to recognize the problem, it is necessary to examine the signs of degenerative joint disease of the lumbar disc. Here are the following symptoms according to the stages of the development of malocclusion:
- In the first phase, the intervertebral back pain lumbar only manifested moderate pain in the affected area to the physical suspense. Even after a long period of static state or because of that gesture, the wrong movement. The pain passes after a long period of rest.
- In the second phase is the short-circuiting of nerve endings. At this time the patient discomfort severe pain that may accompany the man even in the previous exercise, simple movements. After a long period of rest, the pain may persist and only pass after taking pain medication character.
- The third stage of degenerative disc disease is the destruction of the fibrous ring widths and the diverticulum by the pulposus of the kernel. Is already signs of a hernia. Pain in osteochondrosis of the lumbar in this case, the discomfort to the patient constantly. Do not go after the rest and receive simple pain medications. It is observed partial suspension movements and abrupt actions lead to the cross. Strong pain for a couple of seconds cripples the patient. Refund of prior mobility in this case can occur within a few hours. In this time, the patient observes the loss of sensitivity of the surface of the skin in the affected area and pain at every movement.
- The fourth phase is already the loss of motor activity. Ill barely move his legs because all of the movements cause the pain syndrome. In the fourth stage of degenerative disc disease, experts are beginning to talk about disability.

The consequences of degenerative disc disease is irreversible things. If the destructive process has already begun, a complete healing of the malocclusion becomes impossible.
The development may stop, in part, to resume the elasticity of the spine. Before removing the question on how to cure back pain lumbar, it is necessary to take into account the reasons of its development. This will help to prevent the destructive processes.
Lumbar, low back pain, treatment can vary to a greater extent due to the assumptions for the development of malocclusion, the following reasons for his appearance:
- the development of premature aging in the intervertebral discs;
- the development of malocclusion or any other changes which lead to loss of tone of the muscles of the back;
- properly distributed, the load on the spine. For example, a job as a labourer or driver, results in a considerable load on the lower back;
- assumptions for genetic – associated with disease of the joints, bones, ligaments, and tendons;
- the damage of the disc due to an accident, injury fracture.
More of the same level, lumbar, low back pain develops today in the office staff, the people who prefer to spend more time behind the wheel or at the computer. It turns out that the most common cause of destruction of the intervertebral disc is a static position.
Very often doctors diagnose acute back pain lumbar spine in case of disorders of the patient a severe pain and partial or complete immobility. Aggravation is formed because of improper treatment, or its total absence. Even an increase in symptoms may be due to the failure to respect the recommendations on the behavior of the patient. The aggravation of the degenerative disc disease lumbar spine requires treatment. Are assigned drugs for the rapid resolution of the pain and suffering.
The patient in an acute period of it is recommended to follow the bed rest for 3-7 days. This will help to resolve partially the pain. Of course, in an acute period of cannot do without the intake of drugs. Are assigned corticosteroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory in nature, and other painkillers.
Often the patient is in the period of exacerbation is in a clinic, where the treatment using the mould – special agents for the introduction in the affected area between the vertebrae. The block is a procedure, after which the affected area ring, which leads to a strong pain syndrome, simply "exit" from the chain. For this, his "neutralize" the drug, after that is carried out the correct therapy for the resolution of an aggravation. The advantage of blocks – no pain for the patient, which can lead to serious sufferings at the slightest movement.
Recovery completely affect the symptoms and treatment of medicines malocclusions. This can last from 2 weeks to a year depending on the stage. Sick the same when you experience a sharp pain rightly pose the question whether it is possible to cure the back pain the lumbar. The response of the experts "may not be" only deters the problem. The impossibility of a full recovery due to the lack of medicines and methods to restore the complete destruction of the cartilage. But when early treatment can stop the destruction and partially compensate for the loss. This will free from suffering and allow you to forget about malocclusion. Cure low back pain every six months, passing a comprehensive examination, and respecting the recommendations of the experts.

In the first place, how to treat sore lumbar back, on penalty of the application of medicines. Here are the following groups of instruments:
- Anti-inflammatory medications. Pain in osteochondrosis of the lumbar testify to the presence of an inflammatory process in the affected area.
- Muscle relaxants. Are designed to relieve the spasm of the muscles, which are damaged and are the result of an inflammatory process.
- The b-group vitamins acts Positively on the nervous system and promotes the recovery of the cells destroyed.
- Chondroprotectors. Have been designed to restore partially destroyed the intervertebral cartilage. These drugs may fully restore the destruction, but exactly the positive impact until the end has not been studied.
How to cure back pain lumbar – depends on what has happened to cause damage to the internal organs. Lumbar osteohondroz disrupts the functioning of the internal organs of the abdomen and pelvis, which is caused by disorders of blood circulation and the deposit of nutrient substances. Depending on the circumstances can also be assigned to drugs to restore the functioning of the kidneys, pancreas, intestine, genitourinary system.
Lumbar, low back pain, the symptoms and treatment which require a complete examination and the application of methods, can not do without massage. Type of massage and the intensity is directly dependent on the degree of destruction and defeat. Often the patient will also prescribe a ct scan and x-rays to determine the removal of inflammation and other results of the pharmacological therapy.
Massages assign only a doctor – he drove the results of the analysis. Perform the procedure must only specialist in a health care facility. Independent of the beginning of the massage is strictly prohibited, because the wrong choice or technical contraindications to run, can only do harm to the patient even more.
It is important to know the fact curable if the back pain lumbar physiotherapy procedures. Here is only a positive response, but taking into account various factors. Each stage of the malocclusion requires his treatment regimen. The most common relate these techniques, such as:
- amplipuls;
- UHF;
- the magnetic therapy.
Similar effective treatment of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine has an anesthetic, a stimulant and a vasodilator effect. In complex with the protectors of the cartilage and vitamins, recovery is faster, because the active substances and useful to the greatest degree to reach the affected area.
Other methods
There are a couple of extraordinary, but effective methods of treating back pain lumbar. Here are the following areas:
- Acupuncture – the application of acupuncture has a positive effect on the improvement of the circulation of the spinal cord. It is also useful in the recovery of destroyed cartilage.
- § Irudoterapia – treatment of the leech has a lot of contraindications. But if properly assigned treatment sessions, considered the malocclusions observed a significant effect. This is due to the purification of the blood, which is necessary to prevent the deterioration and the further development of the disease.
- Muscle toning – the impact on the electrical, awakening and stimulating the circulation and stimulate the internal organs. The method also has a lot of contraindications, but it is very effective for the recovery of the damaged internal organs.
- Traction of the spinal column – is assigned when jamming breakdown processus of the spinal cord, and even if you have already formed hernia. Traction takes place on a special bed, where a man was tied up and pull behind the arts. Maximum traction provides for an increase in level between the vertebrae up to 4 cm This gives the possibility to eliminate the bottleneck, prevent the formation of hernia or remove it (even if for a short time).

The presented methods are only awarded to a physician in accordance with the diagnosis of the stage of malocclusion and other nuances. Pass sessions are recommended every six months to avoid the aggravation.
Experts define how to treat sore lumbar back, just after going through the survey. Often here is assigned to the operation, which in most cases is associated with the removal of the hernia, which is available in any medical way. The doctors surgery recur after conservative treatment, if it has not led to healing.
Sometimes the operation is performed step-by-step after inefficient the introduction of blocks or other drugs. Prerequisite is the unceasing pain and the immobility of the patient within 3 months.
The treatment described in malocclusion is long, and responsible for a period that can last for years. By the way, in order to pass the examination, and procedures for the patient will have to now every six months or a year. Low back pain – pathological destruction irreversible. Then "fool around" with the disease should not be.